Ahhh ... Spring! A
time when flowers awaken from their chilly slumber, butterflies dance in the
warm breezes, when one’s heart turns lightly to dreams of love
and when the swallows return to Capistrano.
And here at Bobbie’s Moldy-Oldies, it’s time for the chickens to come
home to roost!

With a zero-budget look and feel, ZOMBEAK delivers the goods. How? Because
you can feel the real love the actors and it’s director, Sam
Drog, had for the story and their parts in it. Despite it’s bad special effects
and cheap, low quality 80’s CGI and it’s video camera look, it’s
surprisingly entertaining. With the
exception of Daryl Wilcher in the one scene where he has a coming-to-Jesus
moment while facing his imminent demise at the hands of the Satan-obsessed
chicken, the acting is below-par, with our heroine Melissa emoting
in one of the most annoying fingernails-on-the-blackboard voices ever
preserved on video tape. However, the
script is filled with brilliant one-liners like “Take that, you Kentucky-fried
piece of shit,” and “It’s our God-damned Christian duty!” The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) has no
listing for ZOMBEAK’s budget or box office but I’m guessing it’s not much. After all, what can you expect from a
zero-budget movie about a Satan-possessed chicken who wants to turn everyone
into zombies! And one that, to my
knowledge, wasn’t even released in America!
(I had to buy my copy from Amazon.com.UK.) However, if you love bad movies, I
recommend seeing ZOMBEAK. Official

Next, let’s look at the human actors. Both movies were on an even keel with one
another and would do justice to any middle school play! With few exceptions, each was the only screen
credit to date for most of their casts. The
biggest difference is that in ZOMBEAK, the actors seemed to be having a great
time, while the actors in BIRDEMIC seemed uncomfortable and awkward. Now, on to the scripts. ZOMBEAK wins this category claw’s-down! While ZOMBEAK’s script was just as
nonsensical as BIRDEMIC, at least we didn’t have to listen to Nguyen’s
broken-English scripted lines. I know I’ll
never forget such BIRDEMIC-pearls as “I like you and because you’re so pretty
to me.” ZOMBEAK had a script
fairly brimming over with intended and unintended humor! The production values in BIRDEMIC were
better, but Nguyen took three years to get his work in the can. ZOMBEAK did it in 30 days. So, they are birds of a feather. BIRDEMIC: SHOCK AND TERROR trailer:
BIRDEMIC 2: THE RESURRECTION coming soon! (Or maybe not.)

Gross, perverted, disgusting, crude and outrageous do not
even begin to describe this latest product from the perpetually 8-year-old mind
of Lloyd Kaufman. POULTRYGEIST has
something to offend anyone...and everyone!
But, that’s what Lloyd does best, a fact made clear by the at least 15
minutes of bragging, boasting and product selling Lloyd does before the
movie even starts! Touted by audiences
to be the “best since Toxic Avenger,” it met with the highest acclaim of any
film in Troma’s thirty-five year history.
However, that didn’t translate into box office receipts. POULTRYGEIST had an estimated budget of
$450,000 but only grossed $22,623 in ticket receipts and ranks a low #85 in the
horror comedy genre. In other words, it
bombed. Why? Probably for the very same reasons it’s
beloved by its fans. Filled with “disgusting
low-ball humor” and described by IMDB user reviews as “perverse and childish,”
they still consider this to be, “a gross-out comedy/ musical/ horror film that
is so much fun, it’s hard not to love.” That
said, when the roosters come home to roost, they will not have to fight for
space in my Video Vault because POULTRYGEIST was sent winging its way back
to Netflix. IMHO, Troma laid an egg

BLOOD FREAK was directed and narrated by Brad
F. Grinter, a skinny chain-smoking cracker of a man with a hacking
cough and a bad Elvis haircut. His
primary job in this movie, aside from smoking up all of the tobacco industry’s
yearly crop, is to make rambling and nonsensical philosophical insights about
the movie and God in general. This movie
typifies zero-budget films. Bad acting,
bouncy camera work, laughable script, indifferent directing, bizarre plot and
possibly the only film to use the previously unknown “female Wilhelm Scream,”
it has everything required to leave generations of audiences scratching their
heads in wonder. But, wait! The Something Weird Video disc of BLOOD FREAK
comes with bonus material titled “Brad Grinter, Nudist”! Yep! That
walking, talking nicotine patch is a nudist!
And he lets it all hang out in this short. And that, dear friends, is the scariest part
of BLOOD FREAK! Trailer:
Well, it’s time for this old bird to fly the coop. I’d like to thank all of you for enduring
this four-piece chicken-McNugget movie marathon with me. And, I hope that, if you should decide to
watch some (or all) of the above-mentioned movies, you have more Yuks than
cluck’s! Gobble-gobble!
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